Wednesday, November 11, 2009

where does the time go and good news...

Wow! Its autumn ,well sorta and soon my daughter and here kiddos will be moving bak to texas fr the winter.. I have been busy trying to not think about it.

if you read back thru my posts, last year in December they were in a very scary accident and thank god above no one got hurt. Their truck was totaled and they now have a new one with 4 wheel drive and hopefully no snow.

Things have been delayed due to the shootings in Fort Hood. Its been a scary year,with this just adding the nasty sludge to it.

hatred is every where...Its just so sad, and I'm rather dissapointed that people can't act more like adults in every aspect of the world.

I have had my share of issues with my niece and my sister moving home. I guess I thought things have changed for the better.

I guess I was hoping and perhaps kidding myself.

I hgave icked up another part time job,so model painting is down and customer books are full at the present time so I am trying not to overbook.

I have cast about 30-40 new ceramic medallions,in multiple of about 8 different ones of course.

Hoping to have some photos up soon:)

In the meantime,I also wanted to mention that both my geocities websites are down,But I do have a new one thru weebly.

ps- there is no new paint page...or show website at this time.

Until next time!

hugs and happy Holidays will soon be upon us...

Karen Dietrich

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I want cooler weather!!

Wow- Its August the leaves are already starting to fall and my son ill be back in school next week! I am ready for it! BUT.........

I want to be able to get the garden to the point where I can start canning!! Its been hotter the last few weeks than it has all year!

The tomatoes are just staring to turn red, and I still have a bunch of canning to do!

Pesto to make, zucchini to fry up in a rich golden batter of flour and bread crumbs!

All this personal stuff keeps me from starting to create more bisque of this lil mare ,Plus I have a bunch of new things in the works:)

I will be finished with Flora and I will be finsihing up on some custom glazes and even 2 claybody customs- I will probably be working on them in september:)

I will work on my second batch of Gullivers and starting some smaller more interesting Equines:)

Maybe a Zebra? Stay tuned:)

Until next time.. look at these:......




Karen Dietrich

Saturday, July 25, 2009


WOW! Where did the year go?

Once again time has flown by! I can't believe its Almost August!?

Normally at this point tired from breyerfest and anticipating the arrival of canning to start and then of course fairs and school:)

With Breyerfest as gone for the year, restructuring my work schedule is next on my agenda.

I really didn't "do " a whole lot this breyerfest, only hit a total of 4 rooms , on top of jusdging at the Stone show, showing at the breakables show and hanging ut at the Artisans with a couple of dear friends.

Maybe next year,I'll take on the Artisans again as wll as Nan?

To tell ya the truth I have never shown more than 4 horses that I have painted. Its sad kinda, that I ever get to show my own work. Maybe 2010 will be different...

Ponderings from my artistic side:)

Things have been kinda busy here- A new unexpected foal in April set the summer into its usual tizzy. To top that My daughter moved in (+ a dog & 2 grand babies) and finally in June moved into her own place, which freed up my studio and put me back into work mode :)

I now also work for the government and that keeps me hopping:)

I am back logged on ceramic molding and glazing which I hope to do more of here after school starts. I am just about caught up with restorations (I think I have 5 in my back log) and painting progress is about 6 in que:)

I also hope to paint 2 Roxys and show one myself:)

Sorry I am so behind on the update But I have ben a busy gal:)

Till next time- Lil Brian and I say see ya!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Where did May go?

Where did May Go to?

Here is is Memorial Day weekend!

This weekend starts the official yard work, fixing fence and fishing season for us. Oh yes and lets not forget BBQing!

It's the weekend where we clean up the flower gardens, try to keep the ponies in the fences and

get out the gear!

THis year marks a sppecial occasion as my Son in law just returned from iraq for 16 days of R and R. My daughter and the grandkids have been living with me since December.

To him and everyone else over there fighting for our freedom, let us remember them with a BBQ and a prayer!

I hope you have a peaceful day with family and friends

Next Blog on Tomm Tomm aka Tomy E the escape artist!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

April fools trick?? NOPE!

Hi- Most of my last few days have been spent at the post office.
Leaving at the Butt crack of dawn, and coming home after 5 pm. Tonight was like every other night this week...except for the fact that -We got a load of hay- and put in the round bales due to the weather changing:)
When I returned, My Husband said he would take care of it, and feed the horses.
I quickly accepted the thought, as I was exhausted(mentally)-LOL
I never thought this job would be a hard one to learn. I can't believe all there is to it!
I came in, finished dinner,sat down to eat, and was interrupted "NOT" by my grandkids but the shocking way my Husband stormed into the house yelling my name. He has done this on a number of occasions when something was a miss or "wrong" in the past.
I heard it alot last year with pony problems. It was a rough year last year. As most of you probably know. My new breeding mare,Ophilia aborted her colt. She never even looked pregnant. I did have her with the stallion however, even though I tried to seperate this a number of times. The mare-Not the stallion would get out.
I stalled her,But I wasn't quick enough and before I knew she aborted a dead foal... the rest is history.
Last year was a total nightmare. The same day lil weebles was born, My 3 1/2 year old stallion passed away.
Then in July Buni..
The reason I am telling you all this??
I was blessed today with a standing fawn colored soon to be silver dapple small colt from OPHILIA!!!!!!!
He is very tiny and very healthy, and has a mind of his own. we have caught him and the mare and stalled them both and tommorrow I am calling the vet for tetnus shots and a check up.

I am still in shock, as the mare and the stallion were seperated when she was in heat. he had gotten out a couple of times,But I nevergave it much thought . The ponies would get loose in the mornings and we would find them out n the mornings eating in the front yard. The mare was still in the pasture...

I am an experienced horse person , and I have been around horses all my life. I have never seen a mare hide a pregnancy so well!
Ophilia is 4 years old. She was the only breeding stock I had left out of my old bloodlines of dusty and my Buni mare..

I can't even express in words how thankful I am.

I thought Brian was playing a late APRIL FOOLS trick on me.